BATLOGGER A+ Firmware 2.5

BATLOGGER A+ Firmware 2.5

Device Firmware

Firmware 2.5.1. Compatible with BATLOGGER A/A+ devices.


  • BATLOGGER A/A+ Firmware
  • BATPARS Editor Software (Windows and MAC)
  • BATLOGGER A/A+ manuals


  1. Make sure to use fully charged batteries
  2. Download the Firmware file (ZIP) to the computer
  3. Place the SD card into the computer
  4. Extract the downloaded ZIP file and copy the extracted files to the SD card. The file ‘FWX-X-X.BA’ must be placed in the root folder of the SD card.
  5. Place the SD card into the BATLOGGER A/A+
  6. Turn on the BATLOGGER A/A+
  7. The firmware file is recognised and prompted to install
  8. Press ‘>>’ to install, after installation the BATLOGGER A/A+ turns off
  9. Turn on the BATLOGGER A/A+
  10. The Firmware is verified and prompted to delete
  11. Press ‘>>’ to delete
  12. The BATLOGGER A/A+ starts up to operation


(2.5.1 Released 20.03.2018)

  • Various stability improvements

(2.5.0 Released 06.09.2017)

  • New “SD-Trigger” mode: Record periodic signals within frequency boundaries only
  • Option to ignore a frequency for n seconds after the last recording (Post-Trigger ignore)
  • BATSTAT.csv with recording statistics
  • Various stability improvements

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